Resultados de la búsqueda
- dxmin AS Integer DIM xmax AS Integer DIM xmin AS Integer DIM x AS Float DIM dx AS Float DIM dxi AS Integer DIM k AS Float DIM a AS Float DIM w AS Float…4 kB (685 palabras) - 05:22 20 oct 2011
- fácil de leer y fácil de redactar. Verbos Los verbos tienen las siguientes terminaciones: i El infinitivo. as El presente. is El pasado. os El futuro.…5 kB (529 palabras) - 18:12 22 sep 2022
- is (False, True); -- The predefined relational operators for this type are as follows: -- function "=" (Left, Right : Boolean'Base) return Boolean; -- function…12 kB (1324 palabras) - 19:20 31 ago 2009
- "three", "four")) 'True Sintaxis Value = IIf (bTest AS Boolean , vTrue , vFalse) Value = If (bTest AS Boolean , vTrue , vFalse) PRINT If((X MOD 2) = 0,…4 kB (519 palabras) - 17:24 7 oct 2019
- él/ella/pronombre neutro parecido al “it” del inglés wir = nosotros/as sie/Sie = ellos-as/usted-es - Los verbos alemanes se conjugan de la siguiente forma:…6 kB (780 palabras) - 23:22 20 jul 2024
- es necesario crear un objeto directory desde SQL: create directory dir_tmp as 'c:\temp'; grant read, write on directory dir_tmp to usuario; create or replace…2 kB (365 palabras) - 19:16 24 oct 2019
- fTimeDiff2 AS Float DIM iTest AS Integer DIM iK[9] AS Integer 'ik[0] to ik[8] DIM shX[3,3] AS Short DIM date1 AS Date [STATIC] {PUBLIC|PRIVATE} Identifier AS NEW…14 kB (2199 palabras) - 05:00 12 abr 2014
- space/debian/glibc/build-area/glibc-2.3.5/ build-tree/glibc-2.3.5/csuGNU AS 2.16.1XÔÔ¬F}xgMint\}nŽOV|/space/debian/glibc/build-area/glibc-2.3.5/…10 kB (1191 palabras) - 17:14 4 sep 2015
- changes limited to the covers, as long as they preserve the title of the Document and satisfy these conditions, can be treated as verbatim copying in other…3 kB (19 895 palabras) - 12:56 2 nov 2020
- Comité del Medio Ambiente. Strategies and Procedures on Socio-Cultural Issues as related to the Environment. Washington, D.C. _______. 1990. Comité del Medio…35 kB (4936 palabras) - 16:16 15 may 2012
- enabled by default. -s, --silent Be more silent. Print results with a tab as separator, each row on new line. --shared-memory-base-name=name Base name…8 kB (1017 palabras) - 10:07 10 may 2017
- alemán. La traducción más directa de "kein" en castellano sería ningún/a/os/as o "no" en inglés en las estructuras come el del siguiente ejemplo: "There…4 kB (618 palabras) - 23:19 20 jul 2024
- ( s ) = A s + B w s 2 + w 2 + C s + R L = V M c o s ( α ) w L ( s 2 + w 2 ) ( s + R l ) {\displaystyle I_{1}(s)={\frac {As+Bw}{s^{2}+w^{2}}}+{\frac {C}{s+{\frac…34 kB (5567 palabras) - 23:35 26 may 2016
- equals sign (an equals sign without {{}}). If it does, it will be treated as a case comparison, and no text will display if no cases match. This is because…11 kB (1026 palabras) - 00:35 10 feb 2024
- Bleger, J. Teoría de la conducta, Paidos, Bs. As. Argentina, 1990 Cabero Almenara, J., Barroso Osuna, J., Román Graván, P.…14 kB (2015 palabras) - 07:22 25 ago 2014
- modifications. Each licensee is addressed as "you". 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you receive it, in any medium,…39 kB (5617 palabras) - 02:24 18 ene 2023
- 675-693. Wiltschko, W. and Wiltschko, R. (1995). «Migratory orientation of european robins is affected by the wavelength of light as well as by a magnetic pulse…73 kB (8938 palabras) - 17:06 16 jun 2023
- Medallón con retrato del presidente argentino Roque Sáenz Peña (Bs. As. 1851-Bs. As. 1914). Obsequiado a la primera dama Rosa González. 1919: busto de…53 kB (6309 palabras) - 13:11 30 oct 2015
- Nominativo – vocativo - En indoeuropeo la desinencia era –ês y –ä-ês daba –äs, de la que hay rastros dialectales. - El latín y el griego cambian *-es por…35 kB (5073 palabras) - 21:18 6 nov 2016
- Al Sc Ga Y In La Tl Ac IV: C Si i Ge Zr Sn Hf Pb V: N P V As Nb Sb Ta Bi VI: O S Cr Se Mo Te W Po VII: F Cl Mn Br Tc I Re At 0: He Ne Ar Kr Xe Rn VIII:…10 kB (1746 palabras) - 04:07 13 jul 2021