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Inglés/Vocabulario/En el restaurante

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Waiter: Hello.

Client: Hello.

Waiter: May I serve you?

Client: Yes, thank you. We would like to order two meals, please.

Client's son: I want to eat fish and chips.

Client: And I will eat a piece of pie.

Waiter: What would you like to drink?

Client: An orange juice for my son and a red wine for me.

Waiter: Will you eat any dessert?

Client: Yes, bring us a strawberry ice cream and a rice pudding, please.

Waiter: All right, would you like something else?

Client: Yes, please. Where is the bathroom?

Waiter: At the end of the hallway.

Client: Thank you.



waiter camarero o mesero

serve servir

eat comer

lunch almuerzo

fish and chips pescado y patatas fritas (plato típico inglés).

piece porción

pie pastel inglés, normalmente relleno de carne.

drink beber

orange juice jugo de naranja

red wine vino tinto

dessert postre

strawberry ice cream helado de fresas

rice pudding arroz con leche

dish plato

silverware cubiertos

order pedir

meal comida/plato

bathroom cuarto de baño