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Inglés/Gramática/El verbo tener

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The verb to have

The subject inflection of the verb to have in simple present tense is very easy. It is as specified in the following chart: La flexión del verbo to have (tener o haber), de acuerdo al sujeto, en tiempo presente simple es muy fácil. Es como se especifica en la siguiente tabla:
Singular Plural
I have we have
you have you have
he, she, it has they have

If the subject is a singular noun, then use has. If the subject is a plural noun, then use have. Si el sujeto es un sustantivo singular, entonces se usa has. Si el sujeto es un sustantivo plural, entonces se usa have.


  1. I have a friend who is very good at mathematics.
  2. You have a very interesting brother.
  3. My sister has a dog. She also has a hamster.
  4. New York city has many tall buildings.