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De Wikilibros, la colección de libros de texto de contenido libre.

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//*****************Titulos de articulos******************************/
// Gets the article lemma with the namespace
function get_title()
   // get the article link from the label 'ca-edit' out of the document text.
   var editlk = document.getElementById('ca-edit').getElementsByTagName('a')[0].href;
   // cut everything up to "title=" from the start and everything past "&" from the end
   // Note if the page has & in its title, that is represented here as %26, so it
   // doesn't cause a problem
   editlk = editlk.substring(editlk.indexOf('title=') + 6, editlk.indexOf('&'));
   return editlk;

// Gets the article lemma, with the namespace but without sub pages.
function get_tidy_title()
   var editlk = get_title()
   editlk = editlk.replace(/\/.*$/, ''); //removing subpages from the link
   return editlk;
// Gets the subpage lemma, with the namespace but without sub pages.
function get_subpage_title()
   var editlk = get_title()
   editlk = editlk.substring(editlk.indexOf('/') + 1); // strip off 
   return editlk;
